Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Swiss Consider Legalizing Incest - A Horribly Insane Idea

Although The Swiss parliament has drafted a law that would allow parents to have sex with their children or siblings to have sex with each other, and despite what the lawyer for David Epstein the Columbia University professor accused of having an incestuous relationship with his adult daughter, thinks, that legalizing incest is not a bad idea.  I trust that the United States will never fall pry to something as repulsive as this, but will instead continue to know that legalizing incest is a horribly insane idea.

This is freaking insane! In what world of morality is it ever okay to have sex with your sibling let alone your own children? I agree with the conservative lawmakers who've labeled it "completely repugnant." 

As for the Columbia professor's lawyer thinking it not a bad idea, he's only saying that because,  his client, David Epstein, a Columbia University professor is having an incestuous relationship with his own daughter.   And for him to compare it to a homosexual relationship by saying: "It's OK for homosexuals to do whatever they want in their own home," as he tells ABC News. "How is this so different? We have to figure out why some behavior is tolerated and some is not."  Is about as lii as the disgusting situation itself. 

The protection for children will be lost forever, if crimes such as this continue to be legalized. 
For more on this story, go to: Newser.com 

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