Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cage’s Hardship Is A Little Cagey

According to People Magazine,  45 year old Nicolas Cage, who filed a lawsuit blaming his financial collapse on his longtime business partner, had his two historic French Quarter homes purchased in a foreclosure auction on Thursday.  People Magazine also reported that the houses went for $4.5 million – about two-thirds the appraised value – to Cage's lender, Regions bank, the lone bidder.  Cage's belongings were seen being cleared out by movers on Friday.

And why didn't he take some responsibility regarding his own finances? No one should be too busy to double check the person handling their money.  Just ask Oprah, who has always urged celebrities & others to keep an eye on your own money. 

whine publicly about not being smart enough to keep an eye on his own assets.  I also find it difficult to support the “I’m broke” pity-party of someone pulling down 38 million dollars on one movie.  Geez! He could feed a small country on that salary.

“The lawsuit said the advisor had also failed to alert Cage to the fact that his money was running out, and had over-extended his lines of credit with banks.”

Again, I must point out to those like Cage who don’t seem to know it, but being rich does not negate you from being responsible for your own finances.   If you think you are too important, busy, or wealthy to keep an eye on your own money, than clearly you don’t really deserve to complain when it’s gone.   How is it that there are some so-called stars who can’t seem to be able to handle their own lives without an entourage of assistants, advisors, housekeepers, and what-nots?  When there are so many others who don’t seem to have an issue with handling their own affairs, or keeping an eye on those they’ve hired to do it for them.   Perhaps he should take a page from the book(s) of Oprah, who has stated on numerous occasions, “You must keep an eye on your own money.” Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and others who also follow a similar philosophy.   I could be wrong, but I’m almost certain the aforementioned are as busy, if not busier than Nick Cage.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mad Men’s Betty Draper’s Ordeal - Depression or Selfishness?

You do not have to be a television couch-potato, to become a die-hard fan of Mad Men (aka MM) all it seems to take is your undivided attention to an episode – and you could very well become hooked.  Most baby-boomers can appreciate how well the series’ managers to capture the ambiance of the 60s era.  And everyone else can just appreciate the opportunity to be transported back in time and experience what they weren’t able to first-hand.

Writer, Susan Weissman’s recent (11 November 2009) article in The Huffington Post, posed a question that ask, if the alluring Betty Draper  character would smile before next season’s final episodeBetty Draper - Mad Men,   Well, since the third season finale aired Sunday 8 November 2009, and it was a tantalizing cliff-hanging finale, with the promise of a phenomenal fourth season; it’s probably safe to say that MM fans are more interested in the start of the fourth season next year, as oppose to the final episode.

As for Betts (as her husband Don refers to her as), she's what some refer to as spoiled and self-centered.  Most women like Betty who were so use to having the spotlight shone on them that they can't bare to have anyone else upstage them in the attention category, including their own children - so they create a dramatic/depressed atmosphere, starring none other than themselves.  It appears that Betty doesn't smile often because she wants someone to ask her what they can do for her or give to her to make her smile.  Perhaps she is frustrated with her life, because she's not doing much to contribute to her own happiness.

Anyway,  Betts appears to be going from one open-wallet to another  with her latest human-ATM, Hunter, the only thing is, she's not really taking much to the table is she? No, she's a pampered brat who does not work outside the home, but has the nerve to drink and smoke while watching her housekeeper cook, clean, & care for her children.  Yet, she still can't seem to find a way to accomplish any goal she may have had or find anything meaningful to do with her endless free time.

Stripper Nicole Forrester vs Josh Duhamel – By Any Means Necessary.

What's interesting about the story that appeared on Huffington Post, is that anyone would actually find the antagonist, Nicole NICOLE-FORRESTERForrester interesting. 

Strippers are a dime a dozen - they can be found on almost any corner in any major city. What makes one stripper stand out from the others, is when she manipulates, schemes, and managers to get her name in the media by any means necessary.

Nicole, isn't the first gold-digger-stripper who claims to have sex with a well known celebrity in order to get her name on the D-list of Hollywood in an effort to work (oops) her way up to the C-list, nor is she the first, nor will she be the last, to think that any publicity is worth it's weight toward become famous - even if the fame is only as a D-list low-life-wanna-be, party girl that no one takes seriously and too many have had (yuck!). The question shouldn't be if he was good/bad in bed, but what was truly the motive of publicly stating that she had sex (regardless if its true) with Josh Duhamel? To become the buzz of the moment? Well, buzz buzz the moment is over for most, and should just be over.

You can also read the entire Extra story

Stripper Nicole Forrester vs Josh Duhamel – By Any Means Necessary.

What's interesting about the story that appeared on Huffington Post, is that anyone would actually find the antagonist, Nicole NICOLE-FORRESTERForrester interesting. 

Strippers are a dime a dozen - they can be found on almost any corner in any major city. What makes one stripper stand out from the others, is when she manipulates, schemes, and managers to get her name in the media by any means necessary.

Nicole, isn't the first gold-digger-stripper who claims to have sex with a well known celebrity in order to get her name on the D-list of Hollywood in an effort to work (oops) her way up to the C-list, nor is she the first, nor will she be the last, to think that any publicity is worth it's weight toward become famous - even if the fame is only as a D-list low-life-wanna-be, party girl that no one takes seriously and too many have had (yuck!). The question shouldn't be if he was good/bad in bed, but what was truly the motive of publicly stating that she had sex (regardless if its true) with Josh Duhamel? To become the buzz of the moment? Well, buzz buzz the moment is over for most, and should just be over.

You can also read the entire Extra story

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Contributing post by Chrystal Dorsey

Driver distractions caused by cellular phone usage has become increasingly important as cell phone use becomes more prevalent in daily life. Some people are torn on where they stand, because both sides can easily be favorably argued.  There are countless studies citing reasons for banning cell phone usage including, a University of Utah study that shows conversing on cell phones while driving disrupts the driver's attention to the visual environment, or the inability to recognize objects encountered in the driver's visual field.  Additionally they state that cell phone conversations create much higher levels of driver distractions than listening to the radio or audio books.  Clearly they’ve not studied the numerous motorists who engage in vehicular-dancing while listening to the latest Rock n' Roll or R&B release kicking through their stereo system.  There are drivers that periodically give a live concert whenever they hear a song with a serious beat -We've all seen them, their head and arms are so animated you wonder who's actually steering the vehicle. In all honesty, how can you not bob your head when Beyonce's "Ring the Alarm" or Pink's "So What"  blares through the speakers?  Nevertheless, vehicular-dancing while listening to the car stereo is also a distraction.  Ooops, dare we let that cat out of the bag, they just may decide to ban radios from vehicles.

Admittedly, there are some hazards to cell phone usage during the operation of a motor vehicle, especially texting which requires you to visually focus on the phone's keyboard, instead of on the road, where the driver's focus belongs.  But despite all the cons against, there are some pros as cell phones have become a valuable tool in conducting business as more employees are using them to perform their jobs.  Among other things, they help boost productivity by keeping employees connected to the office and to clients; not to mention the invaluable use during road side emergencies.  Let us not forget there are very few if any, public phones available especially on highways and local freeways.   The point being, there can be safe, sensible, responsible use for a cell phone for a brief period of time.  Short comments  "I've run out of gas" or "I'm on my way."; not long lengthy or heated discussions.  And Just as there is an appropriate time, there is an inappropriate time to use a cell phone in the car, as in, heavy traffic, bad weather and stressful conversations for examples.  The major distracting menace when it comes to cell phone usage is texting; no one should be texting while operating a motor vehicle, it’s a serious and potentially deadly hazard.  Therefore, it would be prudent to ban that particular function, not talking.  Geez! How uncoordinated must you be not to be able to steer a vehicle and speak at the same time.  Of course one would argue that there are a number of individuals who can’t manage to do so, but the majority of those individuals should not be driving under any circumstances.  If your motor skills are in general operational order, you shouldn't have any difficulty uttering a few short words on a cell phone.  Besides, there are hands-free devices readily available for every cell phone on the market. 

According to studies conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), some form of driver distraction is a contributing factor in 20 to 30 percent of all crashes.  Numbers such as these are enough to lean toward the side of banning cell phones while driving.  However, some data tells a different story, a much more comprehensive University of North Carolina study found that cell-phone use was responsible for only 1.5 percent of distracted driving accidents - completely contrary to popular belief.  And a Harvard study gauge accidents caused by cell phones at 6 percent of the total.   Much larger risks were outside events, other occupants in the vehicle and drivers adjusting radio and CD players. Therefore, most people, especially cell phone providers urge against jumping into cell-phone bans without careful consideration of the entire picture.  Merely talking on a cell phone doesn't necessarily mean the phone contributed to an accident.  Distracted driving is responsible for many accidents.  But honest statistics imply that cell-phone use in vehicles accounts for only a very small percentage of those accidents, and that most drivers use handheld cell phones safely while driving.

Cell phones are being unfairly singled out from a raft of other potential distractions that could affect safety.

There is no way to eliminate all driving distractions, but if they wish to ban some of the causes let’s not stop at cell phone use.  There are a number of distractions or unsafe actions that drivers should restrain from doing; including reading newspapers or books, putting on make-up, especially eye make-up; shaving; eating; searching for items on the seat or floor; watching television or movies and more.  Common sense should factor into one’s actions while operating a motor vehicle.  And of course, any action that impedes a driver’s performance should be met with consequences during the initial offense, not, and only after a life has been taken. 

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest hazards on the road, second to the most dangerous of all offenders – the drunk drivers, are drivers who keep their pets on their laps and allow them to protrude from the driver's side window while the vehicle is in operation.  Not only does it put the animal at risk of falling out of a moving vehicle, it is a serious driver distraction.  Odd as it may seem to other motorists whose life is being jeopardized by this risky action, this driving activity is not illegal! Nor will a police officer arrest you if you can't bear to part with your precious four-legged canine or feline during your driving escapades.  However, in most states if your pet causes you to drive in an unsafe manner you could be cited under the state's Negligent Driving law for endangering people or property.  Undeniably, a loose pet is a greater hazard than speaking on a cell phone and there should be a ban on driving with pets running rapid in the vehicle, or sitting on the driver's lap.  There have been countless times when driver's have been spotted wrestling to gain control over a moving pet seated on their lap.  Not only is the driver's sight impaired, but they lose the ability to maintain control over the vehicle, because their hands are full trying to restrain the animal.  Nothing personal against pets, but seriously, it's better for all concerned if pets were left at home, transported via a carrier, or merely placed in some sort of pet restraint in the back seat.

Perhaps educating and training drivers on a regular routine basis would be a more logical method for reducing accidents involving motor vehicles.

Banning cell phones may not be the solution, perhaps banning inapt drivers would be more beneficial.  Some drivers are just plain ignorant to the rules of the road and cause havoc wherever they go and they do so without the use of a cell phone.  They simply can not drive.  Our efforts shouldn't be toward banning particular activities, be it cell-phone use, eating, or other common behaviors.  Rather, we should be enforcing laws against the real problem, distracted and/or unskilled driving in general.

Frankly, there are far too many drivers who have no business behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, because they honestly just can’t drive.  There are individuals who’ve never had a driver’s education course or any structured training, yet they managed to obtain an operator’s license; there are individuals who can’t even manage to steer a golf cart without causing or encountering problems, yet these individuals are issued a valid driver’s license, though their skills are anything but valid.  Let’s face it, road menaces are all around us and surprisingly a great deal of them aren’t banishing a notorious cell phone. 

Perhaps it’s not the use of cell phones that is the issue, perhaps the main reason lies with the number of inapt drivers on our road ways; one method to reduce accidents may be to reduce the number of inexperience drivers by increasing the road skills requirements.  A fool-proof method may not exist that will eliminate the number of unsuitable drivers,  but perhaps they could start by implementing mandatory driver’s education classes for all first time drivers regardless of age and 30 days of practice should be a part of the course.  Additionally, to ensure drivers continue to operate under the state guidelines, perhaps licensed drivers should also be required to pass a road test at the time of each license renewal.

Finally, the way I see it, if anyone has the need to use a cell phone while in their car, the following simple safety tips may help:

  • Use a hands-free phone.
  • Never compose text messages while driving.
  • Always dial while the car isn't moving.
  • Never use the phone in heavy traffic or bad weather.
  • Use speed dialing as much as possible.
  • Never look up phone numbers while driving.
  • Never have stressful conversations while driving.
  • Keep your eyes on the road while on the phone.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Celebrity Twitters Don't Interact or Support Their Followers

Faye was acutely aware that she did not have very many Tweeter friends compared to those who boast of hundreds even unbelievably thousands.  She did however think, the few that she had would rally their support for a good cause when called upon or needed.  Well to her disappointing surprise she learn that was not the case when she attempted to gain voter support for a great job opportunity.
And let’s not leave out the number of people she actually follows on Twitter, whose stats she help to increase and causes she supported.  Yet when called upon to do something as simple as cast 1 vote toward an employment opportunity, none seem to find the time to make one simple click.  Perhaps it was her approach, perhaps it was her lack of celebrity status, but whatever the case may be, it prove to be an eye-opener.  She’s vowed to definitely think twice about supporting all the endless status increasing causes, hosted by celebrities.
Celebrities need authenticity to rule on Twitter
It appears that celebrities will request, summon, and bait you to support and/or follow them, but they can not return the favor unless you are in one of their exclusive celebrity circles.
You can follow aplusk, his wife mrskutcher, or iamdiddy all you want; you can even select the infamous ‘share this’ share buttonbutton so you’ll be sure not to miss out on promoting their efforts through retweets, stumble up, buzz, share it , and others; but unless you’ve appeared in the media, movies, or are a personal friend, your changes of getting a response, let along gaining any support from certain Tweeters is zero.
Ashton Kutcher is one of the most popular users with more than 3 million Twitter followers and Faye and I, like so many other non-celebrities helped him to achieve his Twitter-crown during his self-promoting campaign earlier this year to have the most followers.  But while he sits on his Tweeter-throne with the most followers, because the public took the time to answer his challenge/request, it is highly unlikely that he’d take a moment of his time to do the same for one of his many loyal followers – unless they are a celebrity.
Not only do Faye and I help celebrities gain follower status, by following, which is our choice, we also promote them and their activities on their other sites, like, UncleRUSH and his global blog site.
Don’t think for one minute that I think any of these people owe me or Faye anything, nor am I hoping to become their best friend, but for some insane reason Faye like myself thought that they would at least acknowledge important requests from their followers; our mistake.
Not all Celebrity Tweeters ignore their followers; stars like @bubblecow@levarburton@MC Hammer, @SherriShepherd@THE_REAL_SHAQ , or  @chriswebb participate actively on Twitter and interact with the users.  Tweeters like these are the ones you may wish to follow and cultivate a friendship/relationship with, because there is a stronger possibility they will become your supportive and friendly followers as well.
I’m not suggesting that anyone boycott or that they shouldn’t support the request of celebrity tweeters – just know they’re not likely to support yours.