What was Don thinking when he eluded a reporter’s “Who is Don Draper?” – question, I’m guessing, he still does not like talking about himself. Perhaps just this once, he should have. During the premier episode of the fourth season for AMC’s “Mad Men”, Don Draper’s aloofness comes close to costing his newly formed company some business, business they can’t afford to lose. To top it off, The partners are informed by Pete that his buddy, Ho-Ho is pulling the Jai Alai account because Don didn’t mention them in the interview. And his partners aren’t too happy. Don is unimpressed.
One of many interesting highlights of the new episode was the Jantzen swimwear execs that Pete snagged into a meeting as potential clients.
Although Don presented the Jantzen execs with a great layout showing a black bar that covered the model's breasts along with a catchy slogan, "So well built, we can't show you the second floor". The execs objected, insisting they want to remain a wholesome company and their two-piece swimsuits should be presented as such. Don gets fed up with prudish restrictions. He snaps, “You’re too scared of the skin your two-piece was designed to show off.” He stalks out; only to return and kick them out of the office, literally. Priceless.
Don wasn’t the only one causing mayhem in Sunday’s episode…
After Pete loses the Sugarberry Ham account – Peggy comes up with the idea to hire actresses to fight over the ham at a grocery store. They neglect to consult with Don. Who later has to provide Peggy with bail and hush money for the women.
During Thanksgiving dinner at Henry’s mother’s house. It’s clear that the writers are continuing to develop Sally’s defiant and strong-willed behavior from last season. Right at the dining table with all guests present, she spits out the sweet potatoes that her mother crammed into her mouth after she clearly refused to eat them - perhaps she should have been named Don Jr.
Henry’s mother pulled no punches when later letting Henry know she does not care for his new wife. Telling him, not only did she think Betty was silly and beneath him, but that he could have gotten what he wanted from Betty without marrying her. Doubt if she’s campaigning for mother-in-law of the year.
Betty, Henry and the kids are still living in the Ossining home past the date stipulated in the divorce settlement. And to throw salt into his already impatient wounds, Henry and Betty kept Don waiting the evening following Thanksgiving. Betty is so openly inconsiderate and flip about it, that Don requests that they move out or start paying rent. "It's temporary," says Henry. "Trust me, everybody thinks this is temporary," Don snaps. Yet exits mannerly.
Betty is steamed, but Henry thinks they should move, and points out to Betty that she hasn’t even been looking. Of course, Betty claims she wants to spare the kids further upheaval. Perhaps its because she’s being spiteful toward Don, not to mention attempting to play both ends against the middle, for the attention she so hungrily curves.
The episode concludes with Dapper Don Draper meeting with a Wall Street Journal reporter. And with charm and finest abandoning all modesty, Don tells the reporter. "Last year, our agency was being swallowed whole," The reporter is on the edge of his seat intrigue while trying to capture every word. Don lifts his glass & says. "I could die of boredom or holster up my guns. So I walked into Lane Pryce's office and I said, 'Fire us.' Within a year, we'd taken over two floors of the Time-Life Building."
And that’s how MM starts its fourth season – so worth the wait.
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