Monday, July 26, 2010

Mad Men: Public Relations Vs. The Dangerously Dapper Don

Mad Men-Don & Reporter What was Don thinking when he eluded a reporter’s  “Who is Don Draper?” – question, I’m guessing, he still does not like talking about himself.  Perhaps just this once, he should have.  During the premier episode of the fourth season for AMC’s “Mad Men”, Don Draper’s aloofness comes close to costing his newly formed company some business, business they can’t afford to lose.   To top it off, The partners are informed by Pete that his buddy, Ho-Ho is pulling the Jai Alai account because Don didn’t mention them in the interview.  And his partners aren’t too happy.  Don is unimpressed.

One of many interesting highlights of the new episode was the  Jantzen swimwear execs that Pete snagged into a meeting as potential clients. 

Although Don presented the Jantzen execs with a great layout showing a black bar that covered the model's breasts along with a catchy slogan, "So well built, we can't show you the second floor".  The execs objected, insisting they want to remain a wholesome company and their two-piece swimsuits should be presented as such.  Don gets fed up with prudish restrictions.  He snaps, “You’re too scared of the skin your two-piece was designed to show off.”  He stalks out; only to return and kick them out of the office, literally.  Priceless.

Don wasn’t the only one  causing mayhem  in Sunday’s episode…

After Pete loses the Sugarberry Ham account – Peggy comes up with the idea to hire actresses to fight over the ham at a grocery store.   They neglect to consult with Don.  Who later has to provide Peggy with bail and hush money for the women.

During Thanksgiving dinner at Henry’s mother’s house.  It’s clear that the writers are continuing to develop Sally’s defiant and strong-willed behavior from last season.  Right at the dining table with all guests present, she spits out the sweet potatoes that her mother crammed into her mouth after she clearly refused to eat them - perhaps she should have been named Don Jr.  

Henry’s mother pulled no punches when later letting Henry know she does not care for his new wife.  Telling him, not only did she think Betty was silly and beneath him, but that he could have gotten what he wanted from Betty without marrying her.  Doubt if she’s campaigning for mother-in-law of the year.

Betty, Henry and the kids are still living in the Ossining home past the date stipulated in the divorce settlement.   And to throw salt into his already impatient wounds,  Henry and Betty kept Don waiting the evening following Thanksgiving.  Betty is so openly inconsiderate and flip about it, that Don requests that they move out or start paying rent. "It's temporary," says Henry.  "Trust me, everybody thinks this is temporary," Don snaps.  Yet exits mannerly.

Betty is steamed, but Henry thinks they should move, and points out to Betty that she hasn’t even been looking.  Of course, Betty claims she wants to spare the kids further upheaval.  Perhaps its because she’s being  spiteful toward Don, not to mention attempting to play both ends against the middle,  for the attention she so hungrily curves.

The episode concludes with Dapper Don Draper meeting with a Wall Street Journal reporter.  And with charm and finest abandoning all modesty, Don tells the reporter.  "Last year, our agency was being swallowed whole," The reporter is on the edge of his seat intrigue while trying to capture every word.  Don lifts his glass & says. "I could die of boredom or holster up my guns.  So I walked into Lane Pryce's office and I said, 'Fire us.' Within a year, we'd taken over two floors of the Time-Life Building."

And that’s how MM starts its fourth season – so worth the wait.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Enlightening Dramatic Wonderful Read

WenchWench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez

This novel is a MUST read for everyone.  The author reveals the painful pleasures that some slaves endure, through some of the most well-developed and memorable characters depicted in print.  This isn't a tired old story of slavery, anything but.  This story is about families, friendships, love and so much more.  It tells of the advantages/disadvantages and relationships the Wenches have and had with their masters - it tells of an idyllic resort and the summers spent there. This story enlightens the readers to a whole new world.   The author, Dolen Perkins-Valdez has mastered story-telling with this, her debut novel.
I am looking forward to more of the same from her.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews >>

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Writing Articles as an Affordable Internet Marketing Method

From Overture, a keyword suggestion tool, you will see the millions of searches done to a certain keyword. When these keywords are typed on search boxes of search engines, indexed websites containing articles with those keywords will be displayed. And this is what leads traffic to websites with keyword-rich articles. Yes, the magic word is articles.

Content is king. You can say that again. That is why writing articles is one of the most utilized Internet marketing media today.  Internet surfers just can't get enough of information on various fields. Providing information through these articles is a surefire way to drive hot traffic to your web site.

Why is this so? Here are the benefits that writing articles can give your Internet business.

1. It's absolutely free.

Too good to be true? Not.  Okay, you have to pay for your Internet Service Provider. That's it.  All you need is your thoughts, your computer, and your hands.  If you have those, nothing will stop you from typing words that will make you complete that article for your website.  Which aspect of that process did you really shell out any cent?  Perhaps later when your electric bills come.

2. Your website will be noticed in a short period of time.

Submit that article of yours to article directories that get the most web traffic and in no time your web site will be crawled. That is if you don't forget including your resource box or byline.

3. Obtain back links automatically.

When you submit your articles to directories, surely, other websites will make use of your article too.  With the copyright terms of your articles, the URL of your website will still be in tact and will subsequently direct more traffic to your website.

4. Improve your reputation.

As an Internet marketer, if you plainly display your products on your website, you will not gain much conversion rate.  Conversion is when your traffic converts to sales.  You have to show that you are knowledgeable in your field.  And what better way to show that than by writing articles that will allow you some bragging rights, right?

Just make your creative juices flow and jot down or key in those ideas quickly to jumpstart your article writing momentum.  With those benefits listed above, a writer's block is the last problem you will ever be able to surmount.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Bounty Hunter – rent it if you need to get some sleep.

imageGeez, what was I thinking  I can not tell you how much I truly regret wasting my $1.07 at Redbox on this so-called “action-romance.” movie.   The Bounty Hunter, really?.…. Let’s put aside my opinion of Jennifer Aniston & her limited-talent as an actress (beyond television). What Aniston has had going for her is the media’s constant reference to her connection to Brad Pitt and being a blonde, which for some reason that I still can not fathom Hollywood seems to think solidifies one as star quality – perhaps all of Hollywood should dye their hair blonde and be done. 

That said,  Unfortunately, any talent Aniston supposedly has was not mustered into this performance.  Instead, as usual and for some inexplicable reason, there was more focus on her looks and body in this supposed “action-romance.”  

As there are no surprises in this, slow paced “action” flick, I won’t spoil it (any more than I already have) for those who still may actually want to rent it.  Butler plays Milo Boyd, an ex-cop, now bounty hunter who’s thrilled from his head to his toes when an old friend drops an assignment in his lap that calls for bringing Nicole Hurley (Aniston), his ex-wife who is a reporter for the New York Daily News, in for skipping bail. 

Despite the rumors of Aniston and Butler being an off-screen item during filming,  this pair shared absolutely no sparks what-so-ever on the screen; it was as if one found out the other had something they didn’t wish to catch.  On-Screen, Milo and Nicole seemed to despise each other so much that it was hard to even imagine why these two characters would have ever been married in the first place.  Which truly made it difficult to root for them to get back together — which is usually the central theme of movies of this sort.  However, I must admit, I was rooting for the end to be quick and painless as possible.  Alas, it was not – it dragged on at a very slow pace.

He captures her, she escapes.  He finds her, he loses her.  She needs his help, he needs her help, blah, blah, blah, you know the routine. 

Oh, the twist?  if you can call it that, is Nicole (Aniston) needs to get away from her bounty hunter – ex so that she can follow up on a story lead,  surrounding the mystery circumstances of a suicide that was something more menacing than a suicide; and of course, only a cracker-jack reporter such as Nicole along with her boarder-line stalker co-worker, can solve it. 

Recommendation, rent this when all else fails.  Or you need to get some sleep.