Faye was acutely aware that she did not have very many Tweeter friends compared to those who boast of hundreds even unbelievably thousands. She did however think, the few that she had would rally their support for a good cause when called upon or needed. Well to her disappointing surprise she learn that was not the case when she attempted to gain voter support for a great job opportunity.
And let’s not leave out the number of people she actually follows on Twitter, whose stats she help to increase and causes she supported. Yet when called upon to do something as simple as cast 1 vote toward an employment opportunity, none seem to find the time to make one simple click. Perhaps it was her approach, perhaps it was her lack of celebrity status, but whatever the case may be, it prove to be an eye-opener. She’s vowed to definitely think twice about supporting all the endless status increasing causes, hosted by celebrities.
Celebrities need authenticity to rule on Twitter
It appears that celebrities will request, summon, and bait you to support and/or follow them, but they can not return the favor unless you are in one of their exclusive celebrity circles.
You can follow aplusk, his wife mrskutcher, or iamdiddy all you want; you can even select the infamous ‘share this’
Ashton Kutcher is one of the most popular users with more than 3 million Twitter followers and Faye and I, like so many other non-celebrities helped him to achieve his Twitter-crown during his self-promoting campaign earlier this year to have the most followers. But while he sits on his Tweeter-throne with the most followers, because the public took the time to answer his challenge/request, it is highly unlikely that he’d take a moment of his time to do the same for one of his many loyal followers – unless they are a celebrity.
Not only do Faye and I help celebrities gain follower status, by following, which is our choice, we also promote them and their activities on their other sites, like, UncleRUSH and his global grind.com blog site.
Don’t think for one minute that I think any of these people owe me or Faye anything, nor am I hoping to become their best friend, but for some insane reason Faye like myself thought that they would at least acknowledge important requests from their followers; our mistake.
Not all Celebrity Tweeters ignore their followers; stars like @bubblecow, @levarburton, @MC Hammer, @SherriShepherd, @THE_REAL_SHAQ , or @chriswebb participate actively on Twitter and interact with the users. Tweeters like these are the ones you may wish to follow and cultivate a friendship/relationship with, because there is a stronger possibility they will become your supportive and friendly followers as well.
I’m not suggesting that anyone boycott or that they shouldn’t support the request of celebrity tweeters – just know they’re not likely to support yours.
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