During my childhood I recall that my brother spent more time pretending to take a bath than just actually taking a bath. In the time it took him to fake taking a bath he could have just taken a bath.
Seriously, this fool had the nerve to run the water, put the soap and towel into the water, and splash his hand in the water while sitting on the side of the tub - to give the illusion that he was bathing. Damn! That's way too much effort spent not to do something. It would have been much easier to just get his happy behind in the tub and take a freaking bath.
You may wonder if he grew out of this lazy trifling habit. Well, it took a while and quite a few butt whippings, but he finally realized good hygiene was important - or maybe he grew tired of our mother sitting in the bathroom as he bathe.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
There’s Not An App for That or Maybe Just Not One for You
There's no question Apple's App Store has a huge lead over its competitors- Apple continues to release new apps to make handheld gizmos more attractive and awesome – boasting more than 50,000 Apps. However, Google Android and Blackberry Apps are also named in this post for being among the privileged. Unlike the aforementioned, Apps are not designed for use on other cell phones and the owners of said devices are feed up. At least this Samsung owner is.
DriveSafe.ly™ is a mobile application that reads text (SMS) messages and emails aloud in real time and automatically responds without drivers touching the mobile phone. DriveSafe.ly is claiming to be the solution to texting while driving. This is an app supporting safety and just the type of app that should be available to every cell phone capable of using apps – not just the precious iPhone, Android, & Blackberry.
I've been a loyal AAA member since the 80s, but can I get the free app they offer, no – because I don't have an iPhone, Android, or Blackberry.
Shoot! I pay a nice piece of change to AT&T each and every month for the privilege of using my cell phone which happens to have 3 main menu screens that contain apps. Including AT&T GPS and Navigator, and Social Net which provides access to FB, Twitter, MySpace in a format similar but not, to TweetDeck.
Even Directv has an app so that you can use their DVR scheduler to record programs on your DVR, but if you don't have an iPhone or what they call a Smart Phone (implying my phone is dumb?), you're S.O.L on this feature as well. Why can't you simply use your phone's web browser to get to the scheduler? Why must there be an app used, and since you have to use an app, why is there no app for other phones?
There's an app for just about everything:
Movies, music, and naturally there are some game applications that you can install on your iPhone, so you won't get bored while traveling. Another great iPhone application is called Showtime, this particular application is for movie lovers that want to research upcoming movies in the nearest theaters.
WeatherBug , is an app that will give you the current weather in the state you are currently in or even the whole country, it can also provide a map that shows the storm track. I have My-cast weather on my phone of course there's an extra monthly fee for its use. Whatever you want to spend money on, the iWant application will be able to find it for you – whether it is food, lodging, gas, banks, even coffee. My phone has "where" also available for an additional monthly fee.
If you travel a lot, then you will definitely love one of the iPhone applications that will be able to update you with traffic. With this, you will be able to avoid heavy traffic in cities all over the United States. Another great application for international travelers is the language translator. With this great application, you will find it easier to communicate with other people where English is not their primary language.
There's even a Mad Men cocktail culture app, so that you'll be able to mix drinks like the characters on the AMC series Mad Men – how clever is that.
These are just examples of the thousands of applications that you can download and use with your iPhone. Whatever you want, you can be sure that you will find the right applications that you need – But where are my special apps?
Why can't the rest of us, cell carrying gadget lovers be supplied with all the cool apps available for iPhone & Android? I know I know I can just get one of the Smartphones and become a member of the cool app club, but why should I and others like me have to buy yet another phone – extending our contracts, just so we can be a part of the elite app club?
Breaking news, as of 9.28.10 there is now a StumbleUpon app for, yes, the damn iPhone, iPad, and Android. Oh, did I forget to mention that the app is free.
Lastly, in the world of mobile phone technology and multimedia gadgetry, the iPhone (and it's Android competitors) is considered to be one of the most amazing devices ever made. But it does put me in mind of when windows replaced DOS – just point and click, because users were too lazy to write the commands. So what do cell phone apps say about its savvy gizmo users that must have them – well, how else are we going to lose the few active brain cells we have left? But, if you want a mobile device that will be able to provide you with all the applications you need to make your life a bit easier; a Smartphone may be the device for you. Apple iPhone Applications Will Simply Amaze You – I think my phone has amazing features too, but I want it to be even more amazing – I want it to be a smart phone. Apparently I have no choice but to upgrade to the (Smartphone) Samsung Captivate next week.
DriveSafe.ly™ is a mobile application that reads text (SMS) messages and emails aloud in real time and automatically responds without drivers touching the mobile phone. DriveSafe.ly is claiming to be the solution to texting while driving. This is an app supporting safety and just the type of app that should be available to every cell phone capable of using apps – not just the precious iPhone, Android, & Blackberry.
I've been a loyal AAA member since the 80s, but can I get the free app they offer, no – because I don't have an iPhone, Android, or Blackberry.
Shoot! I pay a nice piece of change to AT&T each and every month for the privilege of using my cell phone which happens to have 3 main menu screens that contain apps. Including AT&T GPS and Navigator, and Social Net which provides access to FB, Twitter, MySpace in a format similar but not, to TweetDeck.
Even Directv has an app so that you can use their DVR scheduler to record programs on your DVR, but if you don't have an iPhone or what they call a Smart Phone (implying my phone is dumb?), you're S.O.L on this feature as well. Why can't you simply use your phone's web browser to get to the scheduler? Why must there be an app used, and since you have to use an app, why is there no app for other phones?
There's an app for just about everything:
Movies, music, and naturally there are some game applications that you can install on your iPhone, so you won't get bored while traveling. Another great iPhone application is called Showtime, this particular application is for movie lovers that want to research upcoming movies in the nearest theaters.
WeatherBug , is an app that will give you the current weather in the state you are currently in or even the whole country, it can also provide a map that shows the storm track. I have My-cast weather on my phone of course there's an extra monthly fee for its use. Whatever you want to spend money on, the iWant application will be able to find it for you – whether it is food, lodging, gas, banks, even coffee. My phone has "where" also available for an additional monthly fee.
If you travel a lot, then you will definitely love one of the iPhone applications that will be able to update you with traffic. With this, you will be able to avoid heavy traffic in cities all over the United States. Another great application for international travelers is the language translator. With this great application, you will find it easier to communicate with other people where English is not their primary language.
There's even a Mad Men cocktail culture app, so that you'll be able to mix drinks like the characters on the AMC series Mad Men – how clever is that.
These are just examples of the thousands of applications that you can download and use with your iPhone. Whatever you want, you can be sure that you will find the right applications that you need – But where are my special apps?
Why can't the rest of us, cell carrying gadget lovers be supplied with all the cool apps available for iPhone & Android? I know I know I can just get one of the Smartphones and become a member of the cool app club, but why should I and others like me have to buy yet another phone – extending our contracts, just so we can be a part of the elite app club?
Breaking news, as of 9.28.10 there is now a StumbleUpon app for, yes, the damn iPhone, iPad, and Android. Oh, did I forget to mention that the app is free.
Lastly, in the world of mobile phone technology and multimedia gadgetry, the iPhone (and it's Android competitors) is considered to be one of the most amazing devices ever made. But it does put me in mind of when windows replaced DOS – just point and click, because users were too lazy to write the commands. So what do cell phone apps say about its savvy gizmo users that must have them – well, how else are we going to lose the few active brain cells we have left? But, if you want a mobile device that will be able to provide you with all the applications you need to make your life a bit easier; a Smartphone may be the device for you. Apple iPhone Applications Will Simply Amaze You – I think my phone has amazing features too, but I want it to be even more amazing – I want it to be a smart phone. Apparently I have no choice but to upgrade to the (Smartphone) Samsung Captivate next week.
Buzz Words/Phases That Are Annoying - or Crap I Don't Care About
There are a number of things that I've pondered during my lifetime - as I'm sure you have as well, but I'm not really certain if I even give a damn about the answers - what about you? One of my main annoyances is, there are few too many buzz words or phrases that seem to catch on way too quickly, without explanation or necessity, at least from my point of view. I've listed just a few you may not be too fond of as well.
Phases and "Buzz" Words That Are Annoying To More People Than You Think
What the Sam-hill is up with this "Tea Party" crap? Is this "Tea Party" by invitation only, is the attire former or casual wear? Is it restricted to a certain group and are gloves and/or 'hoods' optional? Perhaps I should consult The Huffington Post or The Washington Post for clarification? Better yet, Fox News & Sarah Palin considering they seem to be the experts on this. Here are some Tea Party Pics you may find annoying as well.
"We must stay the course", why because you say so? And must we stay the course, even if everyone knows you're heading in the wrong direction?
Who besides me - and I know I can't be alone - especially with the number of lay-offs, can't stand the one that every HR Representative has tattooed in their mental Rolodex, yes the dreaded, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" First thought is, "Tomorrow isn't promised, yet you want me to give you a 5-year forecast, seriously?" Perhaps the appropriate response should be, "Five years ago, did you see yourself hiring me?"
Finally, one of my all time annoying favorites is "Think outside the Box", that bitch of a phase urks me beyond belief. First of all, who's stupid enough to get themselves into a box, let along need someone else to direct them to "think" once outside of it. Shouldn't they have thought prior to getting into the box? I'm just saying.
Here's a newer buzz word that I do like and would like to use here…Deuces!
Simply put, it means, Bye.

(Thanks Chris Brown for this one)
Phases and "Buzz" Words That Are Annoying To More People Than You Think
What the Sam-hill is up with this "Tea Party" crap? Is this "Tea Party" by invitation only, is the attire former or casual wear? Is it restricted to a certain group and are gloves and/or 'hoods' optional? Perhaps I should consult The Huffington Post or The Washington Post for clarification? Better yet, Fox News & Sarah Palin considering they seem to be the experts on this. Here are some Tea Party Pics you may find annoying as well.
"A community committed to standing together, shoulder to shoulder, to protect our country and the Constitution upon which we were founded!"
What a load of crap that is, it's just another organized group of haters wanting to get "their" way, by any means necessary.Who besides me - and I know I can't be alone - especially with the number of lay-offs, can't stand the one that every HR Representative has tattooed in their mental Rolodex, yes the dreaded, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" First thought is, "Tomorrow isn't promised, yet you want me to give you a 5-year forecast, seriously?" Perhaps the appropriate response should be, "Five years ago, did you see yourself hiring me?"
Finally, one of my all time annoying favorites is "Think outside the Box", that bitch of a phase urks me beyond belief. First of all, who's stupid enough to get themselves into a box, let along need someone else to direct them to "think" once outside of it. Shouldn't they have thought prior to getting into the box? I'm just saying.
Here's a newer buzz word that I do like and would like to use here…Deuces!
Simply put, it means, Bye.

(Thanks Chris Brown for this one)
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